Thursday 19 April 2018

每日一圖 #火口湖星光秀 在Instagram上關注我們:

攝影師在許多地點捕捉過銀河的影像,從 #阿拉斯加 到 #古巴 都包括在內。他在美國俄勒岡州的火口湖從北緣朝著當時銀河最為明亮璀璨的南方,拍下了這張照片。  照片故事: 攝影:Keith Marsh,國家地理〈你的觀點〉

#新聞幕後 敘利亞

廢墟中的日子  敘利亞內戰將阿勒坡市區化作一堆瓦礫。如今隨著阿勒坡重獲依然脆弱的正常生活,最大的挑戰是重建失去的一切。  在南阿勒坡的蘇卡里區,一名男孩從一棟先前是學校和清真寺的建築前方走過。清真寺正在重建中,周圍的建築則仍是一片廢墟。  #4月號 #197期  國家地理雜誌App下載: iOS版: Android版:

Wednesday 18 April 2018


攝影:Narayan Maharjan,國家地理〈你的觀點〉  這名來自印度的移工在在尼泊爾拉利特普爾(Lalitpur)一家磚廠搬運磚塊。工廠工人一次可以在頭上平衡16塊磚塊。

Tuesday 17 April 2018

漁夫走向他之前在結冰的湖面上挖好的洞。他拉著裝滿網子的箱子,要來試試今天能有什麼漁獲。  #國家地理每日精選 #路徑 在Instagram上關注我們:


 此次主會場位於冬山河親水公園,為了實踐「親近水」的理念,在陸地與水接觸的地方,多半都設計成階狀平台,層層沒入水中,或將陸地以斜坡狀伸入水中,讓人與水能更親近,喚回人類親水的天性,重建人與水之間的自然倫理。  #神采時尚事業股份有限公司 #布朗博士  #1010HOPE #ohyobottle #XWYSIBLINGS

Perfect Gap Between Temples, Myanmar

Alaska and the Amazon respectively.

 "For photographer Norio Matsumoto, enthralled by the auroras in the extreme northern climate of Alaska, find out how he captured stunning auroras at a temperature of 40 below zero while not feeling the cold. Yoshiharu Sekino, on the other hand, fascinated by the wisdom and way of life of the people he meets, embarks on a journey into the Amazon for a glimpse of life in the rainforest. Follow them on their travels to Alaska and the Amazon respectively. Read their on the road stories of inspiration here:

Monday 16 April 2018

Gray Langur, India

GRAY LANGUR AT REST “I was in my college parking lot, and this monkey appeared on this tree in front of me,” writes Hemin Patel, a member of our Your Shot community who captured this photo in Anand, Gujarat, India. “The sunlight was coming through when I saw it. It was wonderful.”

Feel the Rush, Niagara Falls JANUARY 4, 2016 FEEL THE RUSH Eastlyn Bright Tolle, a National Geographic Your Shot member, submitted this image of Niagara Falls. From her vantage point, “right on the other side of a wall that separated [her] from this perilous drop,” she was able to create a unique and thrilling perspective: one that doesn’t allow the viewer to consider the safety of the overlook from which the photo was taken.


Photo Snap By Billion Lim

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